Joining Darling Downs Field Archers

Joining DDFA is a process that starts with determining your level of experience. Are you currently or have you ever been a member of a field archery club? Are you currently a member of our parent association, the Australian Bowhunters Association?

If the answer to either of these questions in “Yes”, then please contact us.

If the answer to each of those is no, then the first step to take is attending one of our Come-and-Try sessions. One important part of these sessions is to teach people how to be safe on our ranges. You can book a spot at one of our come and try sessions by going to

After attending one of these sessions, you’ll be invited to join the club as a probationary member. There is no cost for this. There are fees to attend a club shoot. Probationary membership is for a maximum of three months.

If after a probation period you still want to join DDFA as an ordinary (full) member, you would need to first join the Australian Bowhunters Association then apply to join DDFA.

There are two fees payable. Membership to the Australian Bowhunters Association and the Darling Downs Field Archers membership fee.

Australian Bowhunters Association (ABA)

Not all of our members hunt with a bow and arrows but joining the ABA is a prerequisite for joining Darling Downs Field Archers (DDFA). The ABA membership fee includes a Public Liability Insurance Policy, which covers you while you are doing any legal activity under the banner of the ABA, either legitimate hunting or at an archery range.

Information about the ABA fees can be found on the ABA website.

Darling Downs Field Archers (DDFA)

Darling Downs Field Archers has four membership levels.

Individual Adult

This is for an individual aged 18 or over at the time of joining or renewing.

Individual Junior

This level is for an individual aged 13 to 17 inclusive at the time of joining or renewing.

Individual Cub

This level is for an individual aged 12 and under at the time of joining or renewing.


This level is for a group of related people living at the same address.

Fees for New Members

Our financial year is September 1 to August 31. The amount payable by new members depends on the membership level and the time of the year that you join.

New members pay a pro-rate fee based on the annual renewal fee plus a $9 joining fee per membership level.

The table below shows the amount payable for new members.

If paying in ... Amount payable
Junior or Cub
August $117 $75 $249
September $108 $70 $229
October $99 $64 $209
November $90 $59 $189
December $81 $53 $169
January $72 $48 $149
February $63 $42 $129
March $54 $37 $109
April $45 $31 $89
May $36 $26 $69
June $27 $20 $49
July $18 $15 $29

Ongoing membership fee

Once you’re a member of DDFA, the renewal fees are:

Junior or Cub
$108 $66 $240

Australian Bowhunters Association renewal fees are paid separately to DDFA renewal fees.