Code of Conduct
- Sign the Registration Book upon entering the club grounds for all activities except Club Shoot Days.
- Only shoot at the targets provided.
- Members are allowed to practice at the Club on most days during daylight.
- Wear your membership cards on quivers when on the Ranges and present them when asked.
- No Broadheads or Hunting allowed on the Ranges. (some special club days excluded)
- Please refrain from using Outserts on arrows as they damage our bail and 3D targets.
- For safety reasons, do not reverse or shortcut course lanes when shooting or practising on Ranges.
- Do not bring newbies on the Range to shoot without them being endorsed by the club coach.
- Do not give out any codes or membership information to non-members.
- Report all incidents, infringements, or safety hazards to one of the committee members.
- Please leave or replace all target faces on butts where possible for other members.
- Regularly check the Website or Teamapp for all shoot day changes and notices.
- Shooting starts at 0830; registration is from 0730 to 0800 for Group allocations and equipment checks.
- Members require a Minimum of 2 MATCHED sets of 3 arrows marked 1, 2, and 3.
- Security cameras are in place at certain times and areas.
- On shoot days, for safety reasons, please note that no archery equipment is to be worn in the clubhouse.
- Wear appropriate clothing and hats, and covering in shoes is mandatory.
- Please walk on the mowed pathways/tracked between targets for safety reasons.
- Mobile phones are to be set to Silent or Airplane Mode.
- Smoking in designated areas only. Smoking is not permitted on any range.
- Non-members (including Family Members) are NOT permitted to shoot without a Coach present on the Range.
Basic archery etiquette
When on the range, do NOT:
- Talk in a loud voice whilst others are shooting
- Talk to another archer who prefers to be silent
- Offer advice unless asked
- Use a mobile phone other than taking photos
- Exclaim on the shooting line, for yourself or others, in joy or disgust
- Walk off the shooting line while your neighbour is at full draw
- Touch another archer’s equipment without their permission
- Walk up and down the line comparing scores
- Shoot distances beyond their capability, continually missing and holding up shooting
- Disturb people with loud mobile phone ring tones or speaking on the phone on or around the shooting line
- Smoke near the shooting or waiting line
- Leave litter on the archery ground